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Build: What we can learn from Ants

These are pictures taken during the recent flooding in South Carolina. We can learn a lot from the ants.

It's funny because as far back as bible times Solomon at Proverbs 6:6 said we could become wise by observing the ants… These pictures show us the truth in that statement. The Solenopsis other wise known as the fire ant has shown resilience in sticking together in a massive way. As the flood levels rise these tiny little friends band together to overcome the obstacles of the flood to survive. How did they do this? As they begin to create these life boats, they moved the queen and her larvae to the center where they can stay dry and out of range of getting wet to preserve their clan. They were able to band together by locking there mouths and legs together. Their fine hairs trap enough air to transfer down to ants on the bottom to prevent full submerging, leaving nothing to chance. What an awesome way to show strength in the wake of trouble.* What about us a people? Now locking mouths, and singing Kumbaya is not something we really do but do we at least have the attitude of sticking together, building each other up and not submerging each other in the deep tides of this world? Without thought, with natural instinct these ants were able to assemble these crafts in less than three minutes for the survival of the group. Just like the ant, we have our own jobs, our own roles in this world and our own families but at the end of the day we all live in the same colony, called earth. Take a moment to reflect on the ant and see if your attitude is one of helping, loving and building up, for the survival of your race.

The human one~

Thanks for reading, share if you'd like.

*National Geographic

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